Making Cornhole Bags

Making cornhole bags is more than just assembling fabric and corn feed or synthetic fill. It's a journey that transforms a simple backyard game into a personalized experience. If you want to make your own bags, read on as we take a deep dive into how to create your very own cornhole bags.

Sewing machine needle

Cornhole Bag Regulations

Before diving into the cornhole bag making process, you should know what the standards are for official bags. Then, you can decide how closely you would like to adhere to them depending on your preferences and level of play. According to the American Cornhole Association,

“The cornhole bags shall be made from two fabric squares 6¼ x 6¼ inches with a ¼-inch stitched seam on all four sides.

  • Bags should be made from durable fabric.

  • The thickness of the bag when laying flat on a hard surface should be approximately 1 inch (+-⅛-in) thick.

  • Each bag shall be filled with plastic pellets or corn feed and finished bags should be roughly 6 square inches and weigh 14-16.25 ounces.”

Depending on how you throw your bags and your technique, you may opt for a slightly lighter or heavier bag. Check out our cornhole technique and cornhole terminology pages for more information on how to throw bags and the different shots you can throw. This will help inform your decision of what weight to add to your bags. You’ll want a bag that you are comfortable with in order to maximize your cornhole scoring.


When it comes to selecting fabrics for your DIY cornhole bags, the options are as diverse as your gaming strategies. Each fabric brings its unique blend of durability, texture, and style to the table. Speaking of style, get creative with your fabric selection. Playing cornhole has launched whole culture behind it in part driven by the style and creativity of the bags.

an array of different colored fabrics
  1. Cotton Duck Fabric: Duck cloth, also known as canvas duck, stands as a heavyweight champion in the realm of cornhole bag fabrics. Its tightly woven structure ensures unwavering durability, capable of withstanding countless throws and all sorts of weather conditions. As you craft your bags from duck cloth, you're setting the stage for years of fierce competition and thrilling matches.

  2. Canvas: A reliable choice for endless matches much like its counterpart, canvas fabric provides a robust foundation for crafting cornhole bags. With its rugged texture and sturdiness, canvas ensures that your bags remain in top-notch condition throughout countless rounds of gameplay. Whether you're aiming for precision or unleashing a powerful throw, canvas bags offer dependable performance that you can rely on.

  3. Upholstery Fabrics: Unleash your creativity for those seeking a touch of flair, upholstery fabrics step onto the scene. Known for their ability to withstand heavy use, these fabrics offer both durability and the opportunity to customize your bags with various textures and patterns. Your cornhole bags can become a canvas for your imagination, making every match a visually captivating experience.

4. Denim: Rugged charm for a unique throw denim, a quintessential fabric of casual comfort, can also be a valuable contender for your cornhole bags. While not as heavyweight as duck cloth, denim provides a rugged charm that adds character to your bags. Its distinct texture can lead to intriguing throws that catch opponents off guard.

5. Microfiber: Lightweight comfort for prolonged play. If lightweight comfort is your priority, microfiber fabrics offer a soft yet durable option for your cornhole bags. Their gentle touch ensures a pleasant feel during extended gaming sessions, while their durability ensures your bags remain a staple of your outdoor entertainment arsenal.

By thoughtfully selecting the perfect fabric for your cornhole bags, you're setting the stage for an unforgettable gaming experience.

Other Materials and Tools Needed

resin pellets
sewing machine
  1. Thread: Strong and durable thread is essential for sewing the fabric pieces together securely. Choose a thread color that complements your fabric and provides reliable stitching that can withstand the stress of gameplay. It's important to choose the right type of thread to ensure the bags are durable and can withstand the rigors of gameplay. The preferred thread for sewing cornhole bags is a strong and durable thread, such as nylon or polyester. Both of these thread types offer excellent qualities for stitching cornhole bags:

    • Nylon Thread: Nylon thread is known for its exceptional strength and resistance to stretching. It can withstand tension and stress without breaking, making it an excellent choice for sewing cornhole bags. Nylon thread is also resistant to moisture, which is important if your cornhole bags will be used outdoors or in varying weather conditions. It comes in a variety of colors, allowing you to choose a thread that complements or contrasts with your chosen fabric.

    • Polyester Thread: Polyester thread is another strong and durable option for sewing cornhole bags. It is resistant to UV rays, moisture, and mildew, making it suitable for outdoor use. Polyester thread is less likely to shrink or lose its color over time, ensuring that your cornhole bags remain in good condition even after repeated use and washing. Like nylon thread, polyester thread is available in a wide range of colors, allowing you to match or contrast the thread with your fabric.

      When selecting thread for sewing cornhole bags, choose a heavy-duty or upholstery-weight thread to ensure maximum strength and durability.

      Using high-quality thread ensures that the seams of your cornhole bags will hold up during intense gameplay and maintain their integrity over time. Whether you opt for nylon thread or polyester thread, your choice will contribute to creating cornhole bags that are reliable, sturdy, and ready for countless games of fun and competition.

  2. Filling Material: Cornhole bag filling materials are crucial components that determine the weight, feel, and performance of the bags during gameplay. The right filling material ensures that the bags meet regulation standards (between 14 and 16.25 oz) and provide a consistent and enjoyable tossing experience. The most common and recommended filling material for cornhole bags is whole kernel corn or synthetic resin pellets.

    1. Whole Kernel Corn: Whole kernel corn is the traditional filling material for cornhole bags hence the name. It provides the bags with the ideal weight and texture, allowing for accurate and satisfying throws. Whole kernel corn is readily available, affordable, and provides a satisfying feel in the hand. However, it's important to use dried and cleaned corn to prevent mold or pest issues. It is also important to keep these bags dry because if they do get wet, they could get moldy and start to break down.

    2. Synthetic Corn Filler: In situations where using real corn is not suitable, synthetic corn filler is a popular alternative. Synthetic filler materials are often made from plastic pellets or resin, offering a similar weight and feel to real corn. These fillers are moisture-resistant and do not degrade over time, making them a more durable option.

    3. Recycled Plastic Pellets: Recycled plastic pellets are another eco-friendly alternative to traditional corn feed. These pellets are made from recycled materials and offer consistent weight and texture. They are moisture-resistant and can provide a reliable toss.

    4. Rice (not approved for official game use): Rice is occasionally used as a filler material, although it's less common than corn. It has a similar weight to corn and can be a more economical choice. However, rice may not provide the same consistent feel and durability as other materials. It is also not an approved material for bags to be used in official games or tournements.

    When selecting a filling material for your cornhole bags, consider factors such as weight, texture, availability, cost, and personal preference. Whole kernel corn remains the traditional and preferred choice for its authenticity and gameplay experience. However, synthetic fillers and alternatives can also offer durability and convenience. Whichever filling material you choose, ensure that it meets regulation weight standards and contributes to a satisfying and consistent toss during your cornhole matches.

  3. Measuring Tape: Accurate measurements are crucial for cutting fabric pieces to the correct dimensions and ensuring uniformity among your cornhole bags. A measuring tape helps maintain consistent bag size and weight.

  4. Scissors: A pair of sharp fabric scissors is necessary for precise cutting of fabric pieces. Properly cut fabric ensures clean edges and contributes to the bags' overall quality and appearance.

  5. Sewing Machine (Optional): While not strictly necessary (hand sewing is an option), a sewing machine can greatly expedite and simplify the sewing process. It allows for more consistent and efficient stitching, especially if you plan to make multiple bags.

  6. Funnel: A funnel with a wide mouth is used to pour the filling material (corn feed) into the bags. It ensures controlled and mess-free filling, preventing spillage and facilitating even distribution.

  7. Kitchen Scale: Assuming you plan to make regulation weight bags, you will need a way to measure the mass of fill material you plan to pour into each bag.

These additional materials, when combined with your chosen fabric, form the foundation for creating high-quality cornhole bags. The proper use of thread, filling material, measuring tools, and sewing equipment helps ensure that your bags meet regulation standards and deliver an enjoyable and consistent gameplay experience.

Step by Step Bag Crafting Method

Paper with the word steps highlighted

1. Cut Fabric Pieces:

  • Measure and mark your fabric pieces using a measuring tape and fabric chalk or pencil.

  • Use fabric scissors to cut the fabric into squares, ensuring each piece measures exactly 6.25 inches by 6.25 inches. Precision in cutting is important for uniformity and gameplay.

2. Pair Fabric Pieces:

  • Pair up the fabric squares in sets of two, ensuring that the patterned sides are facing each other (inside out). This means the inside of the fabric will be facing outward.

3. Start Stitching (using a sewing machine - if you are a novice check out some instructional sewing videos):

  • Place one paired fabric set under the presser foot of your sewing machine.

  • Lower the presser foot and start sewing a straight stitch along one side of the fabric, as close to 1/4 inch from the edge as possible

  • Sew with a steady speed, keeping the fabric aligned as you go.

4. Double-Stitch:

  • After sewing the first straight stitch, sew another parallel line of stitching next to and inside the first stitch. This creates the double-stitch, reinforcing the seam for extra strength.

  • Repeat the double-stitching process for the two of the remaining three sides of the fabric square

  • Once you've completed the double-stitch on three sides, you'll have one side left open. This side will be used to fill the bag with whole kernel corn.

5. Filling the Bag:

  • Using your kitchen scale and a small container, place the container on a scale and tare it. Then measure out the weight of fill material you would like to put into each bag. Note: The standard bag weight must be between 14 and 16.25 ounces. Be sure to account for the weight of the fabric

  • Attach a funnel to the open side of the bag. This will help you pour the whole kernel corn into the bag without making a mess.

  • Carefully pour the filling you weighed out through the funnel into the bag.

  • Double check the weight to ensure that the completed bag is within the specification.

6. Closing the Bag:

  • After filling the bag, fold and tuck the open end of the bag inward, aligning the fabric edges.

  • Hold the folded edges in place and sew the open end shut using the double-stitch technique. This final double-stitch ensures that the bag is securely closed and prevents any corn from spilling out during gameplay.

7. Trim Excess Thread:

  • Use scissors to carefully trim any excess thread or fabric along the seams. This step helps give the bags a neat and finished appearance.

8. Test and Adjust:

  • Once the first bag is made, test its weight and feel by tossing it. Adjust the amount of filler if needed to achieve your desired weight and toss distance.

9. Repeat for Additional Bags:

  • Repeat steps 2 through 7 for the remaining fabric squares, creating as many cornhole bags as you desire. A standard cornhole game requires eight bags, four of one color or pattern, and four of another.

With these step-by-step instructions, you can confidently create durable and reliable cornhole bags that enhance your gaming experience and withstand the test of time. Be sure to check out our comprehensive list of cornhole leagues near me to show off your newly created bags. Crafting your own cornhole bags is not just a creative endeavor; it's an opportunity to enhance your entire cornhole experience and level up your cornhole gear. If you are looking for other equipment you can also check out our recommended partner vendors on our cornhole equipment page.

As we've explored throughout this guide, the process of making cornhole bags is a fusion of artistry and precision. From selecting the right fabric and stitching techniques to choosing the perfect filling material, every step matters for not only functional purposes but also as an extension of your personal style.


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