Mastering the Physics of Cornhole: The Science Behind Winning Throws

In this blog post, we'll explore the physics of cornhole and break down the different factors that influence the trajectory of the bags, including the angle of release, the force of the throw, and air resistance.


  • Cornhole involves the interaction of various physical factors, including gravity, friction, spin, air resistance, angle of impact, and body mechanics.

  • Understanding the physics of cornhole can help players develop a consistent cornhole throwing technique and achieve optimal results.

  • Friction between the bag and the board can affect the bag's movement and potential for sliding or bouncing off the board.

  • Spin is a crucial aspect of the physics of cornhole, with the spin of the bag affecting its movement through the air and its landing on the board.

  • Air resistance affects the movement of the bag through the air, and adjusting the force and angle of the throw can help overcome the force of air resistance.

  • The angle of impact affects the potential for sliding or bouncing off the board, and achieving a flat landing can help reduce the effect of the impact.

  • Temperature, elevation, humidity, and wind can all affect the physics of cornhole, and adjusting the throwing technique and bag type can help compensate for these factors.

  • Developing proper body mechanics and focusing on the fundamentals of the throw can help improve accuracy and consistency.


 What is corn hole? Cornhole is a popular backyard game enjoyed by people of all ages. It's a simple game that involves throwing small bags filled with corn or synthetic material into a hole on a slanted board. While it may seem like a game of chance, there is actually a lot of physics involved in the way the bags move through the air and lands on the board.  Below we explore the many factors involved in the popular and growing sport. 

The Angle of Release

The angle of release is the angle at which the bag is thrown from the hand. This angle determines the height and distance the bag travels before it lands on the board. When throwing the bag, it's important to release it at the correct angle to get it to land in the hole or on the board.

If the angle of release is too low, the bag will hit the ground before it reaches the board. If the angle of release is too high, the bag will fly over the board and miss the target. To achieve the right angle of release, it's important to practice and adjust the angle until the bag consistently lands where you want it to.

The Force of the Throw

The force of the throw is the amount of energy applied to the bag as it's thrown. This force determines how fast the bag travels and how much it rotates in the air. The force of the throw can be influenced by factors such as the weight of the bag, the distance from the board, and the individual strength of the thrower.  It is one of, if not the most critical physical factor to consider when playing the game.  

When throwing the bag, it's important to apply enough force to get it to travel the correct distance and speed to reach the target. Applying too much force can cause the bag to overshoot the target, while applying too little force can cause the bag to fall short. It will take some time but adjusting the force of the throw until you find the right amount to consistently land the bag on the board will help you become a better player.  With that being noted, playing conditions, equipment, and the distance between cornhole boards can vary significantly so adjusting the force of the throw is a never ending process within a game, between games, and every time you play.  

The Air Resistance

The air resistance is the frictional force that acts against the motion of the bag as it travels through the air. The air resistance depends on the size, shape, and velocity (a product of the force applied) of the bag, as well as the properties of the air such as temperature and density.

As the bag travels through the air, it experiences both a forward force and a drag force. The forward force is the force applied by the thrower, while the drag force is the force applied by the air resistance. The drag force acts in the opposite direction to the forward force, slowing down the bag and causing it to drop towards the ground.  Many players will throw a flat rotating bag to help it cut through the air and minimize drag

To reduce the effect of air resistance, the bag should be thrown with a smooth, consistent motion that minimizes any turbulence or disruption to the airflow around the bag. Additionally, bags with a smooth surface and a consistent shape will experience less air resistance than bags with irregular surfaces or shapes. Remember, colder air is denser so you may need to throw your bag with more force if playing in lower temperatures. Lastly, be sure your bags are in good conditions since any rips or abrasions could cause the bag to become less aerodynamic.   

The Trajectory of the Bag

The trajectory of the bag is the path it follows through the air from the point of release to the point of landing. The trajectory is influenced by the angle of release, the force of the throw, and the air resistance.

When the bag is released, it follows a parabolic trajectory, meaning it travels in a curved path that is symmetrical around the point of release. The trajectory of the bag is affected by the angle of release, with a higher angle resulting in a steeper trajectory and a lower angle resulting in a flatter trajectory.

The force of the throw also affects the trajectory of the bag, with a stronger throw resulting in a higher velocity and a longer trajectory. The air resistance also plays a role in the trajectory of the bag, with a bag experiencing more air resistance traveling on a shorter trajectory than a bag experiencing less air resistance.

The Spin of the Bag

The spin of the bag is another factor that affects the trajectory of the bag. When the bag is thrown, it can spin in the air, with the direction and speed of the spin influencing how the bag moves and how it lands on the board.

The spin of the bag is influenced by the grip and release of the thrower. A spin that is too slow can cause the bag to tumble in the air, while a spin that is too fast can cause the bag to rotate too much and miss the target.

The right amount of spin depends on the player and their throwing technique and strategy.  A lot of folks throw a flat spinning bag to cut through the air and increase consistency while minimizing other factors like wind and air resistance. 

The Surface of the Board

The surface of the board also plays a role in the physics of cornhole. The board is usually made of wood or some other rigid material, with a slanted surface that is angled downwards towards the thrower.

The surface of the board affects the way the bag lands, with a rough surface causing the bag to roll or bounce more and a smooth surface causing the bag to slide more. Additionally, the angle of the board affects where the bag ends up on the board.  A shallower angle may result in more bags sliding off the end of the board while a steeper angle could keep more bags on the board.  Running your hand over the board will give you a sense of the surface finish of the board to help you determine how smooth or rough it is.  It is not an exact science but you can get a feel for how to compensate your throws after touching some boards.  You will develop a sense for their surface finish. 

The board’s materials and how rigid the construction is will play a factor in how the bags land on its surface.  A board that is flimsy will flex and produce greater bounce for the bag and a stiffer board will dampen the impact of the bag on the board.  Depending on who builds the board, they may use different coatings, paints, or lacquers on the surface of the board.  The product used to decorate and finish the board has a significant impact on how slippery the board’s surface ends up being.  Different materials have different coefficients of friction so it is always best to throw a few practice throws and feel the board before starting a game.  This will help you determine your throwing technique and strategy for the game.  It will also help you decide which type of bags to use for that game if you have different bag options in your arsenal.  Just as the surface materials of a board can vary, the materials used for bags can vary as well.  Traditionally bags are made with duck cloth but some of the higher end bag manufacturers have developed specialized materials to produce specific properties of the bag for specific conditions and bag-board interactions.   

The Weight and Size of the Bag

The weight and size of the bag also affect the physical properties of playing cornhole. The bags are usually filled with either corn or a synthetic material, with a standard weight of around 1 pound and a size of around 6 inches by 6 inches.  There are good, better, and best bags to select from with the better and best ones having more repeatability in terms of their adherence to the standard weight and dimensions. 

The weight and size of the bag affect how it travels through the air, with a heavier bag traveling at a slower velocity and a larger bag experiencing more air resistance. Additionally, the weight and size of the bag affect how it lands on the board, with a heavier bag causing more impact and a larger bag covering more surface area.

Body Mechanics

Body mechanics play a crucial role in the physics of cornhole, with the position and movement of the body affecting the force and trajectory of the throw.  The follow-through after the bag has left your hand is an important element of the mechanics as well and is often overlooked. 

You may not realize it but simply walking is a series of events that incorporates many elements of physics.  Think of all the bones that support your body and pivot about your joints.  Now add muscles, ligaments, coordination and balance to all of it.  As you can see, it gets complicated quickly and throwing a cornhole bag is even more involved than walking since it is a somewhat irregular movement involving a swinging arm, a short step, wrist action and a releasing of the bag at the exact right moment. 

When throwing the bag, it's key to follow through with the arm and wrist to ensure a smooth release.  This helps determine a consistent trajectory, aim, and force. The follow-through also affects the spin of the bag, with a strong follow-through producing a fast spin and a weak follow-through producing a slow spin.

To achieve optimal results, it's important to develop proper body mechanics and focus on the fundamentals of the throwing technique. This involves maintaining proper posture, positioning the body in relation to the board, maintaining good balance, and developing a consistent throwing motion. 

The Effects of Wind

Wind is a significant factor in the physics of cornhole (assuming you are playing outside of course), with gusts and changes in direction affecting the trajectory of the bag.  To counteract the wind effect, throwing the bag at a lower angle to keep it under the breeze could help.  Additionally one can adjust the force of the throw to ensure the bag doesn't get caught in the wind. It's also important to pay attention to the direction of the wind and adjust the aim of the throw accordingly.

The Effects of Humidity

Humidity is another element affecting gameplay with higher levels of humidity affecting the air resistance and the way the bag moves through the air. When playing in humid conditions, it's important to adjust the throwing technique to compensate for the increased air resistance due to increased moisture in the air.  Additionally the amount of moisture in the air can affect how sticky the board is and the bag’s ability to slide on the board as it lands.  

To counteract the increased resistance try throwing the bag with more force or adjusting the angle of release to achieve a higher trajectory. Pay attention to the weight and size of the bag, as humidity can cause the bag to become heavier and affect its flight.  Humidity will have a greater effect on bags made of natural corn kernels vs. synthetic fills.  This is because the natural corn kernels will absorb moisture more than the synthetic fill which, depending on the material, is likely to absorb very little to no moisture.  Also, consider a deeper landing target zone if the board is tending to be on the stickier side.  Some bags are designed to slide more so switching to those in humid conditions is another option as well.

The Importance of Equipment

The quality of the equipment used in cornhole can also affect the physics of the game. This includes the quality of the boards and bags, as well as the weight and size of the bags.

Poor quality equipment can affect the trajectory of the bag and make it more difficult to achieve accurate and repeatable results. As mentioned in the surface of the board section, the quality of the board materials will play a role in how the bags interact with the board and affect gameplay.  Investing in high-quality equipment will help to ensure repeatable results in any conditions for consistent gameplay.  

Role of Gravity

We’d be remiss if we did not mention gravity in an article about the physics of cornhole.  However, there is not much to say about it other than stating the obvious so we’ll keep it short.   

Gravity affects the trajectory of the bag and its landing on the board. When throwing the bag, adjust the force and angle of the throw accordingly.

The Importance of Angle of Impact

The angle of impact is a crucial aspect of the game, with the angle at which the bag lands on the board affecting its potential for sliding or bouncing off. A flat landing produces the most stable results, while a landing at an angle increases the potential for bouncing or rolling.

You can adjust the angle of release to affect the angle of impact and achieve a flat landing and reduce consequences of an undesirable angle. This involves adjusting the position of the body and arm to achieve the desired angle of release for a consistent angle of impact result.

The Effects of Temperature

Temperature can also affect the physics of cornhole, with changes in temperature affecting the density and movement of the air. Colder temperatures mean denser air while warmer temperatures mean less dense air.  More force is required to throw a bag the same distance in a cold environment as compared to a warmer one.  It's important to adjust the throwing technique for different temperature environments.  This can involve adjusting the force and angle of the throw to achieve the desired trajectory, or using different types of bags with different levels of air resistance to achieve consistent results.

The Effects of Elevation

Elevation can also affect the physics of cornhole, with changes in elevation affecting the density and movement of the air. When playing at high elevations, the air is less dense and at lower elevation it is more dense.  Similar to the effects of temperature, you will have to adjust the throwing technique to compensate for the changes in air density.

Importance of Practice

To master the physics of cornhole, it's important to practice regularly and develop a feel for the game. Understanding the different factors that affect the trajectory of the bag is important, but it's only through practice that you can develop the muscle memory and consistency required to repeatedly land the bag on the board or in the hole.  Practice will also develop your skills of adapting to varying conditions, equipment, and court dimensions.  

When practicing, it's important to focus on one aspect of the game or your body mechanics at a time, whether it's the angle of release, the force of the throw, or the spin of the bag. By breaking down the game into its individual components, you can identify areas for improvement and work on specific skills to improve your overall performance.


The physics of cornhole is an interesting topic that covers a wide range of factors.  As we have seen, the simple game is actually a very complex interaction of many factors like body mechanics, bag trajectory, equipment materials, temperature, humidity and more.  After understanding and appreciating the complexity of the game folks can develop their practice routines to focus on each element.  Honing your skills and considering the different environmental factors during game play will dramatically increase your chances of success especially if your opponent does not have the same understanding or appreciation.

Cornhole is an easy game to practice since all you need is a little bit of space, a board and some bags.  Boards can be purchased or built yourself with a board build kit and DIY instructionsBags can be relatively inexpensive depending on which ones you buy.  If you are just starting out, there is no need to get the high end bags.  Leave those for the pros until you have developed your skills.  Lastly, there are many opportunities to play.  It seems most backyard barbecues these days will have a set of boards out but you can also find playing opportunities at your local brewery, local social sports leagues, cocktail hours at weddings, and many more!


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